Five Prostate Factor MYTHS You Should Know
Unfortunately, lots of myths and groundless assertions concerning cancer circulate in the media, mainly incorporated to unreliable internet or even newspaper articles which are read and deemed as accurate by millions of interested people. Of course prostate cancer has not escaped this farrago of insubstantial claims: warnings concerning what makes men more vulnerable to prostate cancer overwhelm medical orientated sites and magazines – unfortunately often full of misunderstood information regarding research findings and studies.
Prostate Factor Myth I: Prostate cancer “preys” only on old men. It is true that prostate cancer mainly concerns men above the age of 50. Most prostate cancer patients are 70-74-yearsold. Therefore, we are justified to say that men under 50 face a far smaller risk of developing prostate cancer. Still, there is risk we should not ignore. Prostate cancer diagnosis under the age of 50 is an infrequent, but possible eventuality. We have numerous examples of prostate cancer patients that were diagnosed in their early 40s. Hence, prostate cancer does not strike only the elderly. Prostate Factor Myth II: you can “catch” prostate cancer! Nothing is further from the truth. A prostate cancer patient cannot contaminate others, and you cannot contract this disease for a very simple reason: prostate cancer is not caused by a virus, but from a genetic cell malfunction. In other words, prostate cancer originates from a pathogenesis inside the body that makes them unceasingly multiply and form cancer tumors. Prostate Factor Myth III: lack of symptoms means I don’t have prostate cancer! Simply not true. The majority of prostate cancer patients do not have any symptoms at all. If a man does have symptoms, such as urinating problems, they are often mild, occur in a span of several years and can easily go unnoticed.The first perceptible prostate cancer symptoms are caused by cells that have spread to the bones. In that case, unprecedented back, hip or pelvis pains are rather often and severe. However, such symptoms can also originate from other medical conditions, such as arthritis, but it is always wise to consult a personal physician. Patients worried about prostate cancer, but not experiencing any symptoms should try to get more information about the factors that are proven to relate to its development. There are also numerous tests and examinations that patients can resort to, such as PSA tests, digital rectal examinations (DREs) and prostate biopsies. Prostate Factor Myth IV: “I surely have prostate cancer; I can’t pee against a wall from three meters away!” Urinating is a means of getting rid of substances the body does not need. So, not being able to urinate on a wall 3 meters away is not proof of prostate cancer growth in the body. On the other hand, a urinating flow that is not as strong as it once was could be a sign of a prostate medical condition, especially when coupled with other similar problems, such as a constant need to urinate more often than usual or waking in the middle of the night to do so. Still, even if a patient experiences such symptoms, this does not necessarily mean that the patient suffers from prostate cancer. Several prostate problems or other medical conditions can cause likewise symptoms; an enlarged prostate, for example. Patients, who do have such symptoms, should ask their doctor for advice. Prostate Factor Myth V: “My father suffered from prostate cancer, but that does not mean I am more at risk of developing it.” Unfortunately, that is not true. If the father has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, a son is at least two-and-half times more likely to develop prostate cancer compared to someone without a family history. A family member is at the equal risk if the one diagnosed with prostate cancer is a sibling. On the other hand, if both a father and brother, or more than one brother has suffered from prostate cancer, then that individual may face even greater risk.
Prostate cancer treatments are very popular in medical tourism. Some important reasons patients are choosing a foreign country for prostate cancer treatment are:
Affordability and Cost-effectiveness
High-Quality Healthcare
Immediate Service
Travel Opportunities
Technological advancements in healthcare
Advanced Robotic Technique (SMART)
This technology has vastly improved many otherwise difficult procedures including prostatectomy. Shorter hospital stays, reduced blood loss, faster recovery and, ultimately, a better quality of life are what the majority of men experience after the surgery. Robotic surgery delivers optimal urinary health and sexual function for life after prostate cancer, which can be just as important as a cure.
- October 27 2021
- 2511
Prostate cancer treatments are very popular in medical tourism. Some important reasons patients are choosing a foreign country for prostate cancer treatment are:
Affordability and Cost-effectiveness
High-Quality Healthcare
Immediate Service
Travel Opportunities
Technological advancements in healthcare
Advanced Robotic Technique (SMART)
age: the older the man, the higher the risk of developing a tumor;
race: representatives of the black race are more susceptible to the disease;
heredity: in men whose relatives suffered from prostate cancer, the risk of getting ill is much higher;
dietary habits: the consumption of large amounts of animal fats contributes to the appearance of a tumor;
smoking and bad habits: cadmium contained in tobacco smoke affects the development of prostate cancer.
difficulty urinating;
increased urination;
urinary incontinence;
frequent urination.