
Aleksey Kozikov

My son developed severe headaches on the right side and signs of paralysis. After contacting a neurologist at the place of residence, an MRI scan was performed and neoplasm was found in the right lobe of the brain. We went to several clinics. Doctors could not tell if it was benign or malignant and suggested opening the skull for a biopsy. They could not give a guarantee that after the diagnosis, everything will be fine and the child will continue to develop normally. With the help of Rhazes Global Team within one day we received an offer of examination and an invitation from Koch University Hospital and in 2 days we were already in Istanbul. In the hospital, at the beginning there was a conversation with the doctor. Detailed history was written and a survey plan was prescribed. Already during the consultation, the doctor noted that the existing symptoms and the neoplasm could not be associated with each other, since with a tumor in the right lobe of the brain, paralysis would occur on the left side. MRI, special blood tests, EEG, ECG were performed. During all examinations and consultations, the  medical translator  was with us. After 3 days, the results of all examinations were ready and a final conversation with the doctor took place. Headaches and paralysis were explained by the presence of migraines in the family and blood clotting disorders. The professor gave recommendations and prescribed therapy that we could do at home. The neoplasm was the deposition of calcium salts in the brain, which, after treatment, will disappear over time. We received prescriptions for medicines, which we immediately bought there. We would like to note that we ordered medicines several times from Turkey, since we have a connection with our health manager, this is always possible. We think we were very lucky and our child was saved from wrong actions. It's even scary to imagine what the outcome could be.

  • October 14 2021

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Aleksey Kozikov

My son developed severe headaches on the right side and signs of paralysis. After contacting a neurologist at the place of residence, an MRI scan was performed and neoplasm was found in the right lobe of the brain. We went to several clinics. Doctors could not tell if it was benign or malignant and suggested opening the skull for a biopsy. They could not give a guarantee that after the diagnosis, everything will be fine and the child will continue to develop normally. With the help of Rhazes Global Team within one day we received an offer of examination and an invitation from Koch University Hospital and in 2 days we were already in Istanbul.

October 14 2021

Constanţa Bălan

Last year I started having very strong headaches and dizziness. Even there was a lack of coordination and nausea. My head ached with attacks day and night, painkillers did not help at all. A doctor in my country referred me for MRI and was immediately diagnosed with epilepsy and offered hormonal therapy. The whole family was very worried. In our family, no one had such diseases and we decided to apply for a second opinion from a Turkish clinic through Rhazes Global.

October 7 2021
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